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The Beginning

The first blog post is always the hardest, because there isn't really much to say.

So here's the only thing I can say for now: Welcome!

Welcome to a journey of spilled paints, graphite covered hands and sleepless nights of me asking myself: "what am I even doing?".

Now, at the end of my first semester of my final year at Loughborough University, I begin to think about the future (although apparently I should have been doing that during GCSEs). It's time for me to take my art career seriously and share my work outside the confines of my social circle. The artwork I produce is here to make you all smile, cry and laugh. Or simply a 'wow' would suffice. (no but really, if you don't like my work then I like that- I'm open to criticism, as long as it's constructive).

For now, here are two pieces from my ongoing research on bleached corals for my environmental awareness topic at university. In short; I picked some flowers, dyed them with ink, froze them in water, photographed them, enhanced the colours using digital software and painted them... and voila! The first step to creating something is by simply doing.

Ciao for now


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